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Barrie Schwortz Responds to Blood Pattern Analysis (BPA) Approach to the Shroud of Turin

According to Barrie Schwortz, Official Documenting Photographer and Research Team Member, Shroud of Turin Research Project 1978 and Founder of, the Largest and oldest Shroud Internet site:

"This is not a new paper but just an updated version of a 2014 paper and should not be taken seriously. The co-author, Luigi Garlaschelli, is an avowed atheist and skeptic funded by an atheist organization in Italy.”

A Blood Pattern Analysis (BPA) Approach to the Shroud of Turinby Matteo Borrini Ph.D. and Luigi Garlaschelli M.Sc. February 17, 2014Abstract - An investigation into the arm and body position required to obtain the blood pattern visible in the image of the Shroud of Turin was performed using a living volunteer. The two short rivulets on the back of the left hand of the Shroud are only consistent with a standing subject with arms at a ca 45° angle. This angle is different from that necessary for the forearm stains, which require nearly vertical arms for a standing subject. The BPA of blood visible on the frontal side of the chest (the lance wound) shows that the Shroud represents the bleeding in a realistic manner for a standing position while the stains at the back—of a supposed postmortem bleeding from the same wound for a supine corpse—are totally unrealistic.

Radio Response by Barrie Schwortz
Drew Mariani Radio Program 7-16-18

Barrie Schwortz gives you the latest on the Shroud of Turin and recent Blood flow claims

Written Response by Barrie SchwortzThis is not a new paper but just an updated version of a 2014 paper and should not be taken seriously. The co-author, Garlaschelli, is an avowed atheist and skeptic funded by an atheist organization in Italy (affiliated with the CSICOP group in the U.S.) He has been a vocal skeptic of the Shroud for the last ten years. He and his co-author completely ignore all of the science published in peer-reviewed journals that is based on direct examination and chemical analyses of the bloodstains on the Shroud, obviously, because it disputes their conclusions. See the work of Heller, Adler, Zugibe and Bucklin, to name a few. Adler was a world-renowned blood chemist and Bucklin and Zugibe were both expert forensic pathologists. None of them had an agenda as Garlaschelli does (and Adler was Jewish)!

Adler’s chemistry proved the blood was actually blood. Zugibe spent over 50 years studying the Shroud, the bloodstains and the effects of crucifixion on the human body and published his results in his book, “The Crucifixion of Jesus, A Forensic Inquiry.” Bucklin was a member of the STURP team and a very experienced forensic pathologist who the television program “Quincy” was based on. In fact, Bucklin was an advisor to the program’s producers. Their combined experience and expertise far outweighs this one person that Garlaschelli found to support his skepticism based mostly on second hand information.

The good news is that ALL of the STURP papers will soon be published on in our next update on October 8, 2018 (40 years to the day after we started our examination in 1978). That will allow everyone access to the papers that dispute these claims. In the meantime, you can find a whole collection of Adler’s relevant papers in a Special Issue of Shroud Spectrum International on

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